Since Sebastian Frost opened his workshop at Listed harbor in 1999, his aim has been to combine the know-how from his traditional education as a goldsmith with the influence of the clean, Scandinavian lines on Bornholm. Since November2024 you can also visit Sebastian and see his creations in Copenhagen at Sebastian Frost Copenhagen Studio in Bernikow Gården, Østergade 26c, 1100 København K.
"You should never get tired of looking at a piece of jewellery. It should be captivating in its simplicity, beyond any short-lived trend. In a sense, it's the same way that you cannot get tired of looking at the cliffs and shores and beaches of this island. There is no fuss here, just the elegance of nature's design. It is that feeling that I want to evoke with my jewellery."
— Sebastian Frost

Best Jeweler of the Year – Winner 2023
Sebastian Frost has been named Jeweler of the Year at the 2023 Inhorgenta Award during Europe's biggest fair for fine jewellery and watches in Munich. We are very proud that our concept of fine jewellery and watches in combination with sea views, artisan drinks and unique overnight accommodations was able to convince the jury to send this prestigious award all the way from the big city to the north-east coast of Bornholm. We want to thank all our customers over the years, without which our little spot in Listed Havn would not be the wonderful place that it is.
Vi er stolte af at være blevet kåret til årets Guldsmed på den prestigefyldte Inhorgenta Award i forbindelse med Europas største fagmesse i smykke,- ure- og diamantbranchen i München. Vi føler os meget beæret over, at have kunne overbevise juryen om vores koncept med kombinationen af fine jewellery, kølige drinks, fashion ure og overnatning i vores showroom langt fra den nærmeste storby på Bornholms nord-østkyst. Tak til alle vores trofaste gæster igennem snart 25 år for at vende tilbage gang på gang og dermed gør det muligt for os at være kreativ i vores univers på Listed havn.

Fine jewellery
in Bornholm since 1999.
And now also in Copenhagen.
Bernikow Gården, Østergade 26C
1100 København K
Opening hours
Wednesday to Friday 12 - 17
Saturday 11 - 17
or by appointment